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KidStar Ventures into the Dragons’ Den!
I launched my company KidStar Nutrients one short month before COVID closed borders, schools, stores and many businesses. At the time no one knew how long or how far spread it would be, and no one could predict anything about the virus and what lay ahead. Yet, we...
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Move Over Gummy Vitamins! There is New Tech in Town
Gummy vitamins came into the market because of a need--a supplement fatigue also known as pill fatigue. Customers wanted more options and the gummy trend started popping up everywhere. Now, finding a company that doesn't sell a gummy is difficult. Problems with Gummy...
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How to Build a Strong Immune System in Children
The immune system is our powerful internal army seeking, recognizing, and destroying invaders to keep us free of disease. When the immune system is functioning optimally, few viruses, bacteria, cancer, or parasites are allowed to set up house in the body, and create...
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Constipation More Common than You Think
Constipation: let’s just say the word… CONSTIPATION. Constipation is uncomfortable and sometimes very painful. But there is more to it than just having a hard time passing stool. And no one learns more about bowel movements than a new parent. From the birth of their...
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Natural Deodorants that Don’t Stink!
I know, I know, we are all skeptical of natural deodorants. We all want to kick our endocrine disruptors and nasty chemicals, but we also don't want to be smelling ourselves by lunch time! Since my early 20s, I have been using natural deodorants, with some brands...
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This Healthy Mom’s Holiday Gift Guide 2020
Focus on Local Brands and Small Shops for 2020 2020 has been a year! This year will forever be in our history books for decades and even centuries, but part of that history can be joy. The holiday season is a time of caring and showing our love for one another. Even...
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Top 5 Benefits of Baby Wearing | This Healthy Mom
When I had our first daughter, it was just the two of us for most of the days with dad at work and grandparents coming and going for quick visits. We would relax together and she would lie on my chest. It was wonderful. As she became more...
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Kitchen Gadget Must-Haves
We have all been there. Enticed by an easier, better, faster way of doing something in the kitchen. I am not going to lie, I have been tempted by the endless infomercials and the new and improved versions of kitchen gadgets. Whether it is the perfect julienne potatoes...
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Easy Steps to Reduce Waste and Single-Use Plastics
Single-use plastics, a term that has become a dirty word, refers to disposable plastics that are used once and tossed. The main culprits are grocery bags, food containers, straws, water bottles, cups and cutlery. Because of the composition of plastics, they do not...
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Emma’s Sleep Adventure
Inspiration from Sleep Deprivation Every parent can relate to the struggles of putting their child to sleep. After giving birth to my third daughter, bedtime was more than a handful, especially when one child just could not and would not fall asleep. The countless...
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